Super Bowl Commercials

Some advertisers work year round for one day of the year and that is Super Bowl Sunday. Billions of people watch the game and advertisers take everyone into consideration. If you watch a lot of football like I do, you will notice a big difference in the commercials in the Super Bowl compared to a regular NFL game. You will notice that in a regular NFL game the commercials are almost always directed at men. For example you have the beer commercials that have young girls dancing in them. On Super Bowl Sunday it’s different. Advertisement for beer includes puppies and horses. This is because the advertisers know that a lot of females are watching the game.

One advertisement on Super Bowl Sunday that I thought was brilliant was the Esurance commercial. It was so good because they aired it just after the game; by doing this they saved $1.5 Million. The then used the money they saved and did a $1.5 Million giveaway to anyone who tweeted #EsuranceSave30. Twitter exploded and it became a worldwide trend. According to Time Magazine they got 200,000 tweets within a minute of the commercial airing. This was such a smart marketing strategy because they were able to use their 30-second spot and extend it for a couple of days by using social media. Everyone wanted to win the money so they kept re-tweeting it and this kept it relevant on twitter for about 3 days. No other Super Bowl commercial had that longevity. I think that in next years Super Bowl you will be seeing a lot more companies copying the Esurance commercial, and they should because it was so effective for them.

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