Miley Cyrus – Marketing Genius?

Miley Cyrus. Many of us know this name and many of us have differing opinions about the person behind it. This is a celebrity who grew up as part of the powerful Disney corporate machine, becoming the poster child for everything a parent wants their child to look up to. But being a children’s TV show star can only last so long. Now 21, Cyrus has become a full-fledged adult and is no longer able to rely on the Disney image as a means to sell herself as an artist anymore. Like many Disney stars before her, after the end of her show, the singer/actress found herself in a position where she faced the challenge of an inevitable end of career unless she did something to recreate herself out of her former Disney image.

Instead of fading away, Cyrus has no only managed to recreate herself, but also accelerate herself into this new image and extreme success in a very short amount of time. How did she do this? By making sure every single person exposed to some sort of media was aware of this new Miley Cyrus and remembered her. One of the most memorable examples of this is her 2013 VMAs performance where she got plenty of attention for her twerk-a-licious performance, something that managed to shoot her album sales up to No. 5 on iTunes and create one of the most popular Halloween costumes of 2013.  By becoming this controversial figure, Miley Cyrus has reignited a career and recreated an image that many before her have failed to do. Despite what critics may say about her, the numbers are more than in her favor: garnering millions of followers on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, creating music videos that are getting over a half a billion views on YouTube, and ending out the year 2013 with about $150 million net worth to her name.

Though many may not agree with how Miley is going about making a new image for herself and garnering attention for her career, the truth is: it’s working.

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